2 minute read

All rounds were online

Round 1 : online test

2 coding questions:easy lvl (40 mins)

20 techinal questions: os,dbms,cn (20 mins)

Round 2 : 1st technical

tell me about ur self

what did u do in internship

what do u like in linux, (i had mention linux in resume)

how will find number of occurances of words in file that doesn’t fit in memory . also how will u optimize if further (better than o(n)).

complexities of array vs linkedlist.

inorder preorder postorder

linked list cycle detection with code.

find pairs of number that give sum as k , in array : [1,2,3] k=4 ans:(1,3)

print rotated array [1,2,3,4] position:1 => 2,3,4,1

sql : get students with 2nd highest marks

monolithic vs microservices

areas of interest

Round 3: 2nd technical

u have to make a website, there are 1 mil records how will u optimize page load time what more?

more question on whatever u have said in for above.

some questions on html tables

some sql queries

sql vs nosql

GRILLED me on mongoDB ( i had it on resume )

what is distributed databases

Round 4 : Managerial

tell me about yourself

some team experiences

Your team has a strict deadline, but one of the team member is not doing his tasks and lagging behind, what will u do as a team leader

if given a chance what will u choose to be leader or team member.

what is sql and rdbms? what is primary key, unique key? what is referncial integrity? why do we have relations in rdbms?

1st puzzle: there are 10 bags with 1000 coins each wighing 1g, but one bag contains contains coins with 1.1 g. u have a electronic weighing machine, but u can only use once. find that bag.

2nd puzzle: 40m pole, monkey climbs 4m in one second and slips down 1m in next 1sec. time to reach at top?

asked me linux commands (had put linux on resume, bad idea ;p)

what flavor linux are u using

there is some demon running on some port. how can u find the port in one command.

command to get RAM usage

Round 5 : HR

tell me about urself

what skills do u bring to the table

what will you do if someone is not working in ur team

biggest achievement (and why is it ur biggest achievement)

biggest failure

what do we (company) do?